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We are a good match! for that I'm sure...
I love you 
and you love me too.

Aku gak tau harus mulai dari mana... Tapi lately my heart is not okay. Since you visit me here for the second time untuk rayain valentine... It's getting clearer that we can't be together. 

Something that we knew would happen... If you would ask me, if i love you... you better ask deeper question... because you know the answer. 

I love you more than anything... but that specific differences... it's hard.

Where can i find a person like you again sayang? Someone who is extremely attractive, yet so humble and kind, and have a strong foundation of what she believes. Knows what she wants. and the most important thing.... Someone who has a good heart. 

If only Genie give me only one request...and guaranteed... I'd ask him to be with you forever.

I don't know what will happen next, But I'm still praying... that i can be with you. 
i don't know how....there must be a way

I often ask God, Why?
why Lord?
She's the one
and I'm so sure she is
Why shouldn't we be together?
Can you change her heart?
is it selfish?
Or should i be convinced?

I just wanna be with her... Just this time God, please make a way

The most random things about us